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- "How Crime Keeps America Healthy, Wealthy, Cleaner and More Beautiful" (Cavalier, 10/66)
- "Writers, Talent, Money and Class: An Irreverent Interview" (Book World, 10/29/67)
- "The Italians, American Style" (New York Times Magazine, 8/6/67)
- "First Sundays" (Redbook, 2/68)
- "The Commonplace with Grandeur" (New York Times Book Review, 4/14/68)
- "Big Literary Gun Aims at Self and Misses" (Book World, 1/7/68)
- "Generalissimo Mailer: Hero of His Own Dispatches" (Book World, 4/28/68)
- "That's How It Used to Be... in Camelot" (Book World, 6/9/68)
- "A Modest Proposal" (Book World, 4/68)